Sunday, April 12, 2015

Research Phase

One of the longest phases of product creation is research.  I think this is especially important when you want to create a product that is not only fabulous, but you definitely want one that is safe.  I have one small problem though... my brain is going in too many directions at once!  I have a ton of products that I want to have on my shelf, so for me that means that there are tons of trial mini batches coming out of my kitchen.  My goal for my upcoming show is to have the following:

Whipped body Butters
Sugar Scrubs
Salt/Sugar Scrubs
SPF Lip Balm
Linen Spray
Bathroom Spray
After - Sun Spray
Mosquito Spray

As I get busy researching I find all kinds of things I didn't know existed... like Shampoo Bars!  I really want to try this!  Then I get caught up in thinking about household cleaners and my plate gets super full.  Trying out new recipes and keeping track of things is enough to make your head explode!! 

Here is what I've learned so far:

1)  When trying out something make a single serving batch.  For instance my whipped body butter that should have been luscious and soft... hardened.. so now the new name for it is Body Balm... back to the drawing board I go.

2)  Pinterest is not your friend!  I've tried a ton of recipes I've found on that lovely website that I LOVE spending hours and hours on...but they never turned out to be exactly what I was searching for.. which leads me to #3

3)  No matter how good a recipe looks, there is always room for modification, don't be afraid to play!

4) Don't be afraid to design your own recipes.  When you get comfortable with how things work, you will find that your own secret recipes

5) Get GREAT suppliers.  You want to ensure you have a quality product!  And you want to make sure you are getting the best prices for your supplies.

6) Become a part of a community.   Not only do you make great contacts within your hobby or industry, but you make great friends too.

7) NEVER STOP LEARNING... there is so much stuff to learn about.  For example:

Types of oils - which oils are best for what, and how each oil can make your recipe feel on your skin
Preservatives - if you don't mind a short shelf life for your product you won't need it... if you want it to last, you'll need to learn about what types and what ingredients they work best with
FO's vs. EO's - I'm a big EO fan myself, but many people don't understand the difference between the two. 
Butters - there are different types, with different consistencies and properties, and what is great in one recipe is not best for the next

Did I mention these are just a few things.  Again, like I said... LOTS OF RESEARCH! 

So I'm going to sign off for now... I have a lot of work to do today!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

What is this?

Welcome to Boondock Primitives.  A little homemade love from two sassy southern women.  Our goal is to bring natural body and home care products to use in your home, to save you from the harmful effects of nasty chemicals and overly-expensive commercial products.  I hope you will join us on our Journey as we create, mix, laugh, and work our way through all the small town festivals around our southern towns.

We worked hard today making yummy lip balms, salt sugar scrubs, and body butters.  Up next on our agenda is body wash, linen spray, bathroom spray, sunscreen, and after - sun skin treatments.  Wish us luck as we mix away!